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Posted by Rick Civelli | 12.08.2011 | WB Surf Camp News

‘Tis the Season for Giving!

From holiday parties and eggnog, to cold nights in front of a roaring fire, December is such an incredible month. There is a special spark in the air, which crackles with the holiday spirit and reaches into your soul. In the WB Surf Camp tradition of giving back and sharing that spirit, we are again adopting a family through the Cape Fear Community College Holiday Helpers program. This is our third year adopting a family and this is such a wonderful way to give back to a community that has supported us for years.

This incredible initiative allows us to give a struggling family a Merry Christmas with gifts under the tree. The family we have partnered with aligns with WB Surf Camp’s mission of giving, because they give of themselves. Both the parents are students at CFCC, working towards degrees to help better their family’s position and to assist others in need. In fact, the mother is studying Social Work, and hopes to work on behalf of individuals with special needs or behavioral health issues. With a set of working parents both in school, raising two wonderful girls; we are thrilled to open our wallets and hearts to them.

Upon sharing this family’s story with our team, the donations started rolling in. One of our staff members is even donating her entire post-season bonus check to their cause! It is this type of selflessness that helps to remind us what the holiday season is really about and makes us feel so blessed to work with such wonderful people.

We are looking forward to providing this well-deserving family with a Christmas memory that they’ll never forget. The spirit of giving is truly infectious and we hope that our example inspires you to action in your own community. Let’s all remember that it’s not what you get, but what you give that really counts!
