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Adult Costa Rica Surf Yoga Retreat


Join WB Surf Camp’s top coaches as we travel to Costa Rica for the surf and yoga retreat of a lifetime! This unique learn-to-surf or just go surfing adventure takes place just once a year in beautiful Playa Grande Costa Rica. This ultimate surfing vacation provides clients with a worry-free surf yoga retreat facilitated by our team of top coaches.

No experience surfing? No worries. Our expert staff will coach you every step of the way, ensuring you stay safe while experiencing the thrill of riding waves in Costa Rica. Do you already surf, we will put you to the best waves the area has to offer. By surfing in a small group setting (3:1 ratio or better), beginners will notice their ability and confidence level soar as they receive individualized instruction each day.

Participants will challenge themselves as they push their abilities under the guidance of our expert coaches. What makes this retreat unique is the stoke we bring as we run this specific camp just once every year.  So far from the mundane, our stoke and passion are truly contagious

During this incredible Costa Rica Surf & Yoga Retreat, we stay at the quaint and beautiful Rip Jack Inn located in Playa Grande.

In addition to daily surf and yoga sessions, we provide our clients with other activities including a Zipline tour through the Rainforest canopy or hour-long massage, exploring amazing pristine beaches, while integrating with the local culture through our 20+ year long local friendships. Our staff will also lead optional daily seminars that focus on wave dynamics, wave prediction, and surfing etiquette. There is so much more to surfing than riding a wave, and you will get the full experience while we take care of all the details!

All-inclusive our full package includes:

  • Six days/five nights double occupancy accommodations
  • Daily instructional surf sessions with our professional coaches
  • Daily yoga with our certified instructor
  • Daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner in open-air restaurants
  • Airport transfers from/to the Liberia International Airport (LIR) on arrival/departure day
  • All Equipment
  • Relaxing hour long massage
  • Picture/Video analysis with your surf coaches
  • Unlimited digital photo/video downloads of your surf experience (Value $350)
  • Swag including T-shirt, tote bag, sticker, group photo
  • WB Surf Camp Guides to Pre-Surf Stretching and Surfing Etiquette

Have a non-surfing spouse or friend who wants to join you for adventure, exploration, and daily yoga? We offer a special non-surfing rate of $1895. Double occupancy is for couples or friends wanting to book together as we do not pair roommates. A valid travel passport with minimum 6 months until expiration is required for travel on this adventure. Airfare and travel insurance are not included.  For more information call (910) 256.7873 and ask for Jeb.


Limited Availability
01/19 – 01/24
Ages 25+
Limited Availability
01/19 – 01/24
Ages 25+
Limited Availability
01/19 – 01/24
Ages 25+
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The RipJack Inn sets itself apart from all others as one of the only hotels located near the pristine and tranquil white sand beach of Playa Grande. Located within Marino Las Baulas National Park, Grande Beach is the site of the arribadas of the leather-back sea turtle. Off the beaten path, this boutique hotel gives vacationers from all over the globe an irreplaceable feeling of tranquility, rare beauty, and rejuvenation in an area that embodies the term “Pura Vida.”

The hotel offers 21 guest rooms and suites. The rooms have been designed for the comfort and enjoyment of all guests. Each room offers air conditioning, ceiling fans, hot water, private baths, coffee maker, in-room safe, daily housekeeping, and toiletries. The hotel offers the use of two pools, complimentary WiFi in common areas, and laundry services.

The RipJack’s famous treetop, open-air restaurant gives you a unique tree top dining experience. They offer a highly unique menu of delicious farm to table delicacies and tasty cocktails that is as delicious as it is healthy. Another unique feature at the RipJack is their peaceful and beautiful yoga shala. The yoga space is made of stunning teak wood, enclosed by tall glass windows and covered by a majestic palapa roof. From the moment you enter the studio amidst the palms and bamboo gardens, you will feel calm and at ease.

As far as surfing goes, you can practically roll out of bed and into some of the area’s most consistent and best waves. Check the surf in the morning on your short walk to the beach while you sip some of the finest coffee in the world.


DAY 1 Sunday

The weather of Costa Rica offers a pleasing welcome as your plane sets down in this tropical climate. You’ve finally reached the active traveler’s paradise, where a full week of surfing and exploration awaits! Your WB Surf Camp Instructors will be awaiting your arrival at the Liberia International Airport, ready to escort you south to your beautiful room at the Rip Jack Inn. After settling in, your instructors will welcome everyone over a farm to table organic orientation dinner. After an amazing sunset, and delicious meal, it’s off to bed for a good night’s sleep in preparation for tomorrow morning’s surf session!

DAY 2 Monday

The aroma of freshly roasted Costa Rican coffee trails through the air as the sun rises and peeks out from behind the mountains. Perfect conditions set up across Playa Grande with glassy waves peeling up and down the beach. Smiles, laughs, and plenty of waves are shared as we soak up the warm water during our first-morning session. Our instructors work with each individual, establishing and providing a foundation for lifelong surfing skills. Our first restorative yoga session will feel welcoming while you move through the massaging poses. As the sun sets over the Pacific Ocean, we’ll gather for fresh chef-prepared local food. Looking around the table you can see the excitement overwhelming each person’s face; you’re officially in paradise and learning how to surf!

DAY 3 Tuesday

We’ll take you to the spot where conditions are best each day. Perhaps Playa Avellanas, a white sand beach located on a mangrove reserve with perfect left and right-handers, will be the call today. It’s one of the most tranquil, pristine beaches around and offers waves for all skill levels. There’s even an outside reef break known as “Little Hawaii” that you can see off in the distance past the river mouth. You’ll start to get a feel for timing the waves as your instructors explain the importance of knowing when to paddle and when to back off. You may start paddling into your own waves today, which is the next step once. After a day at Avellanas, we will return to Playa Grande and enjoy a restorative yoga practice before another delicious dinner.

DAY 4 Wednesday

You’ll be amazed at the rapid improvement you’ve made, and you may be ready to progress from riding the face of the wave to going down the line.  In the afternoon, we’ll add the adrenaline rush of zip-lining through the lush treetop canopy and across wide-open valleys of the surrounding mountains.  If that’s not your thing or you have done it before you can opt for an hour-long massage. Before another breath-taking sunset, we will relax our tired muscles and ignite our spirits together in yoga. The evening will wrap up with a gourmet dinner and a picture analysis session with your coaches. This type of feedback helps our clients learn so much about our positioning and stance, while getting some good laughs

DAY 5 Thursday 

By now your strength, consistency, and timing are improving dramatically. You feel more comfortable and confident with each wave and are pushing yourself to catch your own. Your daily yoga program has accelerated your muscle memory for surfing while reviving and relaxing your body.Today we’ll be focusing on building off each client’s strengths and improving weaknesses.  Our motto is practice makes permanent, so we want to make sure you are doing everything the right way! You start to realize you’ll be returning home with a solid foundation of surfing and the confidence to make this a lifelong sport. You’ve also made many new like-minded friends with whom you’ve shared this amazing experience. As the sun meets the horizon, we realize we’ve officially become accustomed to “tico time,” focusing on the present moment while embracing the natural beauty of this special place.

DAY 6 Friday

The past week seem like a dream – the kind you don’t want to wake up from! A surf session and breakfast then off to the airport. We say our goodbye’s Costa Rican style…”Pura Vida (Pure Life)!” …and start thinking about next year’s WB Surf Camp adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

If I have never surfed before, is this camp for me?

Our program’s dynamic curriculum and awesome surf instructors can coach beginner through advanced surfers. The only prerequisites are that you’re ready to have the time of your life and are able to swim.

Where will I be surfing?

We will be surfing primarily at the beautiful crystal green waters of Playa Avellanas, Tamarindo and Playa Grande. Multiple bottom contours, compositions, and options for all tides make the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica a great place to learn to surf. We will have access to several other awesome breaks within 30 min as well. Our goal is to minimize driving time so if we surf in Playa Grande most often.

What if I have never done yoga before?

Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a beginner, this retreat offers a satisfying and rewarding yoga practice for all levels. The focus is on taking advantage of the undeniable ways that yoga compliments surfing, amplifies your overall wellness, lightens your spirit and help you to relax.

What is Playa Grande like?

Playa Grande is a vital part of the Marino Las Baulas National Park – one of Costa Rica’s most important sea turtle nesting sites. The unspoiled shoreline and crystal blue waters make this one of the most picturesque and scenic beaches in the country. Surrounded by quaint and inviting villages and the famous city of Tamarindo just 20 minutes away, Playa Grande is certainly off the beaten path and is perfect for those who seek perfect waves, less crowds, and some of the best sunsets in the world!

If I don’t feel like surfing one day, is that okay?

Sure but we do highly recommend that you take advantage of our professional instructors’ knowledge and the opportunity to surf these amazing breaks. Surfers come from across the globe to surf the warm, azure waters of Costa Rica.

Will there be pictures of me surfing?

We will have a photographer taking high-quality, high-resolution photos throughout your week. You will be able to digitally download as many photos from your adventure as a complimentary part of this retreat. Our team will also be posting select pictures to our Facebook and Instagram accounts as well.

With whom will I be sharing my room?

Unless you are attending with someone else, you will need to sign up for a single occupancy spot.

Can I hear from past clients?

Can I come early and/or stay after camp ends?

You sure can. If you plan on extending your stay, please note that you will be responsible for your own travel arrangements to and/or from the airport. Due to the fact that we have limited spots, please call our office 910.256.7873 as soon as possible if you would like to extend your stay.

Is there any nightlife in the area where we are staying?

There are a limited number of restaurants and bars in Playa Grande, but most of our clients are usually ready to relax after dinner, maybe enjoy a cold beverage at the hotel bar, and then get a good night’s sleep so they are ready for another day of surfing. You are welcome to explore the area as there is a lot to see and do at night.

Is the water safe to drink?

Playa Grande has completely safe drinking water. Costa Rica’s Health Minister and the executive president of the Costa Rican Water & Sewer Institute presented the “White Flag” distinction to the Tamarindo aqueduct which is the ultimate seal of approval on sanitation within the country.

What is the nearest airport and do you have a shuttle service?

Participants fly into the Liberia International Airport (LIR) and WB Surf Camp provides shuttle service to and from the hotel. It is approximately an hour away.

What are the surfing conditions like?

What if I can’t get in by the set check in time?

Please contact our Program Coordinator to discuss arrivals and departures outside of our preferred times. In order to avoid missing any planned activities, participants should try to arrive between 1-3 pm on the first day and depart around 12:00pm – 4:00pm on the last day of camp.

What are the recommendations for cell phones?

Enjoy a week without one:)

What are the locals like?

Should we tip our instructors?

Our staff works together as an efficient and friendly team. We will be your guides, instructors, entertainers and chauffeurs, providing services for which you would normally tip at home. If at the end of the week you are pleased with the performance of our team, a gratuity would be greatly appreciated.

Does Costa Rica accept US Currency?

Many places accept US currency, and for those that do not, you will be able to exchange US dollars for colones.

Kerrie- Savannah, GA

“I went to Costa Rica with WB Surf Camp because I wanted to escape being “Mom” for while, play, relax, and most of all, learn how to surf! I knew I’d have fun, but what I actually came away with was so much more. I gained a confidence I had lost somewhere a long time ago, and was overcome by a sense of calm that I’ll never be able to explain.”

Al- Tucson, AZ

“As someone who just passed the big 6-0 and had never surfed before, it was an excellent experience. The instructors were always positive and focused on us 100% of the time. We all gained a great respect for the ocean and what it takes to surf the waves. I consider all of the people I spent the week with my friends and look forward to my next surfing instruction. It is a wonderful program I would recommend to anyone who wants to get started surfing the right way.”

Ashley- Raleigh, NC

“WE ARE HOOKED!!!! Thank You WB Surf Camp for a life changing trip!!! Learned so much and made so many great new friends. Costa Rica Camp was amazing and we are sooo grateful to have been a part of it. Can’t wait to catch some waves with you guys this spring.”

Vicki- Atlanta, GA

“My time in Costa Rica with WB Surf Camp was among the most memorable in my life. From reservation to instruction to activities to downtime—in a place with endlessly perfect waves, people, and culture—everything fell serendipitously into place. Surf Camp’s passionate, top-notch instructors offer a thorough, safe, and well-rounded program that ensures not just that you’ll learn to surf, but learn what it means to be a surfer.”

Michael- Wilmington, NC

“Needless to say, being in Costa Rica speaks for itself. However, what made this trip so special were the staff and what they put into everything we did. From the pre-trip planning through the return trip home, this program was flawless. I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like it before. To the staff, this is not a job, it is a passion. They truly want to provide their clients with the best experience possible. You felt it from the minute you stepped off the van upon arrival, and it never ceased.”

Kathy- Wilmington, NC

“Two years in a row. It’s the perfect get away for me to recharge in the middle of the winter. Mentally and physically it’s just the right thing to get over the winter blahs. I rekindle my love for surfing after not going out too often in the cold and mentally get back on track with what is important in my life and for my family.”

Molly- Candler, NC

“I had no idea how much fun this would be! While it is definitely something you have to work at to achieve, it was totally worth it and I wish I could do it every week. For most of us it’s very rare to actually accomplish anything while we’re on vacation but now I’m stoked and I can’t wait for more!”

Paula- West Chester, OH

“The surfing experience with WB Surf Camp is the most fun experience you can have. This is the kind of trip that warms your heart and your skin! The instructors are so nice and fun to be with. They push you to try harder and celebrate the good advances while never giving up on you.”

Shawndra- Wilmington, NC

“I had an amazing time. It was a great experience which was even greater than I had imagined it would be when signing up! I loved the instructors and their knowledge and love for surfing especially!”

Moe- West Chester, OH

“We had a blast! Another first rate trip! Thanks to you for the excellent board selection. It was a wave magnet. What a week. Great waves, people, and weather. Great job and great week.”

Chad- Wilmington, NC

“I had always gone on surf trips with friends, but had never experienced the Surf Camp environment until I went to Costa Rica with them in January 2010.  One word to describe it – STOKED!  I have always been a big proponent in remembering why we participate in the best sport/activity known to man – for the pure fun and enjoyment of the experience.”

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