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Posted by Rick Civelli | 12.18.2009 | WB Surf Camp News

Surf Camp Instructor of the Week Dec 20th – 26th: Ryan Marchi

Surf_Camp_Ryan_Marchi1. What drew you to a position at Surf Camp? I was drawn to Surf Camp by many different things. The main thing that stands out is Surfcamp’s goal to not only teach people how to surf but also how to preserve the ocean. Many people do not realize how fragile the ocean really is and Surf Camp teaches us as instructors many different ways to pass that knowledge onto our students. This is great because it gives every student a new outlook on our oceans.

2. Who is your favorite surfer and why? My favorite professional surfer is Kalani Robb. I have had the opportunity to surf with Kalani on two separate occasions and not only is his surfing style out of this world, but he is one of the most down-to-earth and genuine people I have met in the water.

3. When did you start surfing and where?
I began surfing when I was 14. I made the one mistake of trying to teach myself, this took years and at the beginning I developed some bad habits, which took me until I was almost 18 to break. I was not aware of  WB Surf Camp when I began surfing; the one thing I still regret is not taking a lesson. I started surfing in Wrightsville Beach and to this day it is still where I surf on a daily basis.

4. What is your favorite surf break?
I have many surf breaks that I really like but if I had to choose one I would have to say Wilderness in Puerto Rico. This place is paradise. You have to four-wheel through the jungle for a mile or so and then the dirt trail opens to a rocky beach with crystal clear water and perfect waves. There are very few people ever surfing at one time and you are completely surrounded by thick jungles. It is absolutely gorgeous.

5. What inspired you to start surfing?
I was inspired to start surfing by my love for the ocean. I love everything the ocean has to offer and was an avid skim boarder and spear-fisherman. I had always been interested in the sport and the first time I tried it out for myself I was hooked for life.

6. Where was your most memorable session?
I most memorable session was my first real time surfing a wave the right way. It was at Wrightsville beach and it was something I will never forget.

7. What is the worst wipeout you’ve ever had?

My worst wipeout was in Puerto Rico at a surf spot called “Indicators.” It is a reef break and full of sea urchins. The surf was not even that big, just real powerful, maybe chest high. I was going down the line and went up for a turn off the top, the lip pitched right as I was going up the face and threw me right back down in front of the breaking wave. I was getting tumbled for awhile. I knew I was supposed to just relax, but it was not working I finally pushed up to get to the surface and slammed my foot down right on top of bunch a sea urchins. I had a sore foot for the rest of the trip.

8. What are some of your interests outside of surfing?
Some of my interests outside of surfing are: skim boarding, snowboarding, lacrosse, spearfishing, deep sea fishing, riding bikes, and golf

9. What is your favorite movie?
I like all surf movies, One that I was obsessed with for a very long time was Point Break. I thought it was hilarious and at one point could quote close to 2/3 of the movie. I also like Endless summer (…one of these days…)

10. What is your favorite music?
I enjoy almost all types of music. I listen to music mostly to relax. So most of the music I listen to is really mellow. I enjoy music by Jack Johnson, SOJA, MGMT, Old crow Medicine Show, and of course Jimmy Buffet, just to name a few.

11. What is your favorite food?
Favorite food is Hands down Mexican. Nothing beats fresh Guacamole and fish tacos.

 Learn more about Ryan Marchi here: Click Here
