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Posted by Rick Civelli | 01.28.2009 | Adult Surf Camps

Costa Rica Day 2 – Perfect Waves and Relaxation


It was 5:30 am and I got a friendly knock on the door from the Holland Crew. It was time to surf! Although I was beat, I had hardly slept.  When I know that I will be surfing at the crack of dawn, I never sleep.  I put on some sunscreen, grabbed my rash guard and board and took the two minute walk to the surf. It was chest high+ on the sets and had perfect shape with light offshore winds. How could perfect surf ever get old?  Getting in the water before sunrise is one of my favorite things to do. 


I traded waves with the two couples from Holland and enjoyed the fantastic surf. I was riding a 5’10” fish from Firewire and enjoyed it. It was nice to start getting my feet back underneath me.  There is an old saying from Rip Curl: “There is nothing that a great day of surfing can’t cure.” Any pre travel stress I had was gone and I definitely felt relaxed. Fast Eddie, I am thinking about you and missing you already!


After 3+ hours in the water I was starved. Back at the hotel, they had served up fresh fruit salad, French toast, and bacon….. I had my fill. We then talked “business” over some freshly brewed coffee (talk about a great cup of joe). I am always looking for great places to stay and bring my groups and this place was cool.  For the rest of the day I did absolutely nothing except listen to my ipod and read a book. I cannot tell you the last time I had a day like today. The surf was a bit blown out later on so I decided not to surf a double session, instead I went down and watched the sun set over the Pacific and enjoyed every minute of it (my ribs were thanking me for not paddling out again). It is not hard to wonder why people become expats and enjoy all the “Pura Vida” that Costa Rica has to offer.  Not a worry in the world!!!




– Rick