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Posted by Jeb Brinkley | 11.14.2023 | Adult Surf Camps

2023 Adult Chicama, Peru Recap

One of the first days of the retreat, surf coach Chase O’Briant having some fun on a fish-shape board.

Two of our best surf coaches just returned from an epic Adult Surf Retreat in Chicama, Peru where they and a group of four individuals spent a week surfing, eating, and relaxing at the longest left-hander wave in the world.  We are still processing just how incredible this trip was, and readers should keep an eye on our social media accounts as we post highlights from the trip!

Even when “small” you can ride any type of board, but the logs, like the one surf coach Chase O’Briant riding here, are the best way to get the long rides.

What made this trip so successful?  A big part of the trip’s success comes from both the way the wave at Chicama breaks, as well as the multiple break options available in one area.  This left-hand point-break is not what one would consider a steep, punchy wave.  Even when the swell is firing the wave faces that you are surfing offer gradual, sloping drop-ins with a moderately large pocket to use for turns and carves.  There are only a handful of sections that offer a barrel or ramp where one would need to surf more aggressively to make it through that part of the point.  Not to mention, Chicama is actually made up of two separate points, giving a lot of options for your takeoff zones in a 3.5-mile stretch of beach.  If you don’t like the waves you’re catching (or not catching) in one section of the point, no worries!  Just wave the boat captain over to you, hop in the zodiac, and move on to a new spot.  Essentially, it is a unique break in that it can serve every skill level and style a surfer might have!

This is one of the two zodiac boats we use to get around. Don’t like what you see? We can load up and go to a new spot just like that!

Our group was also fortunate to have a solid forecast for the week-long trip.  Upon arrival, our guests were met with quality chest to shoulder high waves with clean offshore conditions.  After a couple of days, the swell faded, and most of the group transitioned off our speedy shortboards onto longer shapes to maximize our time in the water and catch some minute-long or longer rides.  It was during these days that we actually left “Proper” Chicama and our private boat captain took our group to a section of the second point a little farther out.  As the retreat came down to the final days, swell began to fill in once again.  We surfed our last few sessions in head to overhead incredible surf, clean offshore conditions as always, and stayed in the water until dark, watching our final Peruvian sunset from the lineup.

The last component of the trip that contributed to its success, much like every other adult surf retreat we operate, was the group itself.  A mix of long-time friends of WB Surf Camp as well as new friends came together in the magical place called Chicama and spent a week cheering each other on, joking around the dinner table, and learning how to surf their best.  One very incredible fact is that each guest on the Adult Chicama, Peru Surf Retreat surfed every session better than the last.  As a company made up of teachers and coaches, this type of progression is something we dream about.  It was incredible watching this group improve consistently throughout the week while surfing along quality surf coaches.

This photo was taken on the last, and the biggest, day of the retreat. Surf coach Jeff Carver bottom turns with his eyes ahead, prepping for a nice roundhouse carve.

We are already working on confirming next year’s Adult Chicama, Peru Surf Retreat, and will post the dates for 2024 soon!  If you want a chance to surf the longest left-hand wave in the world, under the guidance of professional surf coaches who will help you surf better than you ever thought you could, on waves that stretch on for almost two miles, then you need to be a part of our group in 2024.  We can’t wait to see you there!