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Posted by Rick Civelli | 10.20.2011 | Surfer of the Week

WB Surf Camp Surfer of the Week for October 20th, 2011: Sawyer Panara

Sawyer came down to WB Surf Camp Teen Overnight this past summer from Raleigh and was an absolute joy! Her smile never disappeared once she got here, met her fellow campers, and jumped in the water and onto a surf board. She was the ideal camper, as she asked great questions throughout the week, was extremely helpful and encouraging to the instructors and her fellow campers, and had a great sense of humor. Always curious to see how she could improve her skills, and do her part on the team, Sawyer stood out as one of the lights amongst our group. We can’t wait to see her and surf with her again!

1. What drew you to WB Surf Camp? Want to have fun in the sun during the summer

2. Who is your favorite surfer and why? JASON – He is the best!

3. When did you start surfing and where? Summer of 2011 – Wilmington, North Carolina

4. What is your favorite surf break? Snacks and reapplying sunscreen  🙂

5. What inspired you to start surfing? Love of the ocean – Love of exercise

6. Where was your most memorable session? one of the beaches we surfed at – the waves were really big that day

7. What is the worst wipeout you’ve ever had? Nose dive… 🙁 …that’s the worst

8. What are some of your interests outside of surfing? Equestrian jumping, volleyball

9. What is your favorite movie? Step Brothers (with Will Ferrell)

10. What is your favorite music? Hip-hop/rap/pop

11. What is your favorite food? Chicken pot-pie

12. What is the best thing you like about WB Surf Camp? Surfing, free time to hang out with friends, dinners out/meals

13. The three things you value most are: Family/love, school/sports/, animals
