Posted by Rick Civelli | 01.11.2012 | Surfer of the Week
WB Surf Camp Surfer of the Week for 1/9/12- Maddy Lohmeier
Maddy came to WB Surf Camp from Cary, NC to learn how to surf. Little did she know how addicted she would get. She came to our first session of Teen Overnight Camp and then again halfway through the summer because she couldn’t get enough. That’s called being stoked! As you’ll find out, Maddy has big plans for her surfing career…first Board Building Camp, then Hawaii Teen Camp, then a World Title no doubt!
1. What drew you to WB Surf Camp? I have always wanted to learn how to surf for the longest of time, and when i found WB Surf Camp i knew this was a perfect chance to finally learn how. Now i just can’t stop going back.
2. Who is your favorite surfer and why? My favorite surfer is Bethany Hamilton, because she is such a good role model to all ages. Her life was surfing, and nothing could or would take that way from her.
3. When did you start surfing and where? I started surfing about 6 months ago, in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, and now i just can’t stop.
4. What is your favorite surf break? Wrightsville Beach, NC
5. What inspired you to start surfing? I was always a beach lover and i always had a heart for surfing, so i found this camp and now i want to be a Pro.
6. Where was your most memorable session? My most memorable session has to be all of them. They where all great, but if i had to pick one, i would pick my entire 2nd week at WB Surf Camp (cause i already new how to surf at the point)
7. What is the worst wipeout you’ve ever had? I had one pretty bad wipeout in my very first session. Now i don’t wipeout as bad as I used to, because i know what to do when i feel it coming.
8. What are some of your interests outside of surfing? I am a Harry Potter nerd 😀
9. What is your favorite movie? Harry Potter.
10. What is your favorite music? I will listen to anything.
11. What is your favorite food? I love all foods, they all taste good.
12. What is the best thing you like about WB Surf Camp? EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
13. Which Surf Camp Instructor had the biggest impact on you and why? I love all the instructors there. They had all taught me to surf, so i can’t just pick one.
14. Which Surf Camp destination do you plan on traveling to next year and why? Wrightsville Beach and Hawaii ( when i get a little older ). I have been really wanting to go to board building camp, and i can’t wait until i get to go this summer.