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Posted by Sinead Eksteen | 12.20.2019 | Uncategorized

WB Surf Camp Program Highlight – Guppy Ocean Adventure Camp

Did you know that a child’s love (or fear) of the ocean is often inherited from their parents? We speak to hundreds of parents every year and the most asked question is “what about sharks?” The fear of sharks or the fear of the ocean often stems from the fear of the unknown or perceived risks, that is, risks that an individual believes are possible but aren’t based on facts. Through the years of experience held by our staff on the ocean, we have learned that the ocean and its inhabitants are not things to be feared but instead, respected. Many families do not have the opportunity to grow up on the coast and can only base their perception on what they hear or see in the media. With movies like “Jaws” or headlines like “sharks swarming the coast” how could you not fear them?

The goal of our programs at WB Surf Camp, and specifically our Guppy Ocean Adventure Camp, is to replace these perceptions with facts and understanding at a young age. We spend a large amount of time in this program speaking specifically about how to be safe around the ocean, respect its power, and understand how it works. Confidence comes from knowledge and understanding, and in Guppy Camp we spend the entire week using a marine science, conservation, and ocean adventure based curriculum to help your camper build it.

WB Surf Camp wants every camper to come home with a working understanding of the ocean and a passion for protecting it. Certified surf instructors will teach your camper how waves are formed, how they function, and how to read them by sight. Our marine educators will show campers local ecology in the field and many of south eastern North Carolina’s native species in their natural habitat. Through hands on lessons and experiences, the Guppy Camp team will teach our participants that the ocean is one of the single most important things on the planet. Through all of this, we will foster a passion for being outside, playing in the water, and staying safe.

Each week we hear stories of campers coming home and teaching their parents about what they have learned in camp. We strive to help create future beach goers and conservationists who will be examples to their peers and adults alike. It all starts with kids, so when we hear that young campers are spreading their new knowledge to their parents we know we are achieving our mission.

It would take more than a lifetime to know everything there is to know about the ocean, but it is a passion and lifetime pursuit of WB Surf Camp to continue to learn as much as possible, protect the ocean for future generations, and spread that passion to the next generation. With a week of Guppy Ocean Adventure Camp, your camper will jump-start their own path to ocean confidence and conservation. If you would like more information about the day to day activities for Guppies that we use to achieve these goals or want to sign up, click here. If you would like to speak to one of our program coordinators for more information, we would love for you to give us a call at 910.256.7873. We will see you in the water soon!
