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Posted by Rick Civelli | 05.15.2012 | Kid Summer Camps, Teen Camps, WB Surf Camp News

WB Surf Camp Financial Aid is Available

WB Surf Camp strongly believes that everyone should have the chance to experience the magic of surfing and learn more about the importance of coastal conservation. Our Scholarship Program provides opportunities for those who would otherwise not have the resources to attend our programs. Through our eleven year history, we have proved time and again that when campers leave our programs, they are taking with them an experience that has changed their lives in many positive ways. Teens leave feeling an incredible sense of empowerment because once you catch that first wave and high-five by all your newfound friends, the feeling of accomplishment is immeasurable. The knowledge campers’ gain about coastal conservation comes in the form of hands-on activities such as visiting the Sea Turtle Hospital and crabbing and clamming in the salt marsh as well as interactive discussions about the “Plastic Garbage Patch” and other environmental issues facing our coasts. The desire to protect our oceans and all they offer becomes that much more important once you’ve actually been immersed in these fun activities. Our entire team, from our counselors and instructors to our administrative staff, is here to aid campers along their journey.


One fantastic way to subsidize the cost of camp is to participate in our Bags for Bucks Program. We’ve created a unique, community-based initiative to help offset the cost of camp tuition. Bags for Bucks offers students the ability to create positive change in their neighborhood, do something great for the environment, and earn your way towards an amazing camp experience. For details on the program, visit our web site.



This experience is something we don’t want anyone to forego. If you are interested in attending one of our North Carolina-based camps and would like to learn more about our financial aid program or to apply, please click here.
