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Posted by Rick Civelli | 11.27.2013 | Adult Surf Camps, Kid Summer Camps, Teen Camps

Hau'oli La Ho'omakika'i

The words that will fill the air for the next 48 hours: Happy Thanksgiving. The most celebrated and traveled holiday in our nation is finally upon us. Turkey, Grandma’s stuffing, fluffy mashed potatoes, all drowned in gravy- is your mouth watering yet? While it may seem like everyone in our nation is celebrating Thanksgiving with a feast of kings- our 50th state does things a little differently.

Hau’oli La Ho’omakika’I (pronounced how-oh-lee la ho-o-ma-key-kah-ee)-  “Happy Thanksgiving” in Hawaiian. As expected, Hawaii adds its cultural flare to their Thanksgiving feasts. While an oven-roasted or deep fried turkey is the norm in the mainland, Hawaiians are likely to imu their turkey!

downloadThis traditional island-style way of cooking involves digging a large pit in the ground, placing a turkey wrapped in green ti leaves in the middle; cover it with hot lava rocks and mesquite wood, then let it slowly roast for hours! By the end of the day, they will be feasting on a hot, steamed turkey. Other Hawaiian dishes include sushi, Okinawan sweet potatoes, coconut pudding triangles, and guava lime-coolers for desert!

King Kamehameha III

Most people may not know that the islands of Hawaii have been celebrating Thanksgiving long before Abraham Lincoln declared it a national holiday.  In 1849, King Kamehameha III declared December 31st “Hawaii’s Thanksgiving”. It was their holiday to celebrate a stronger friendship between America and give thanks in food, drinks, and even surfing! Why not in November? Because at the end of November, the Hawaiians had already celebrated a holiday called La Kuokoa.

November 28th , our nation celebrates Thanksgiving together. While there may be different feasts and traditions, we all give thanks and celebrate the diversity of our nation!

Happy Thanksgiving and mahalo from the WB Surf Camp family!

