WB Surf Camp Financial Aid
To ensure access to a broad range of well qualified participants, WB Surf Camp encourages those who need financial assistance to apply for partial scholarships to participate in our summer learn to surf overnight camps, day camps, and marine biology adventures. Our Financial Aid committee carefully considers several factors, including family income, ethnic, racial and cultural diversity, teacher references, student essays, and commitment to the program as reflected in the application.
Our goal is to empower financially disadvantaged students by helping them experience physical accomplishment, become more environmentally conscious, assume leadership roles, and build self confidence. Our program changes lives!
The deadline to receive financial aid applications is February 1. If you have previously received financial aid, please do not assume that the same award can be offered again. We strongly believe that everyone should have the chance to experience the magic of surfing and its connection towards coastal conservation. Every year we award thousands of dollars to deserving participants. All you have to do is apply, and we will do everything we can.
Download the Financial Aid Application Here
Charity Donations
As you can imagine we get many requests for charity donations every year. Although our programs have an international range, we give priority to donation requests from our local community.
Click here to download our Charity Donation Application
Financial Aid FAQ
Who is eligible for financial aid?
The programs for which aid is available include our WB Teen Overnight, Carolina Ocean Odyssey, Wrightsville Beach Day Camp, Kids Summer Surf Camp, Guppy Ocean Adventure Camp, and Grom Ocean Academy. Any student is eligible, but we only have a limited number of partial scholarships, and they will be awarded to those with the most demonstrated need. If your household makes over $50,000 it is unlikely that you would be awarded a scholarship.
What information is required for the financial aid application?
We require a completed application, two teacher references, letter of intent written by the student, and the family’s most recent 1040 form.
Can financial aid be used toward any WB Surf Camp program?
No. Scholarships will only be awarded in our domestic kid, teen, and adult camps. Travel programs are not eligible.
How much money is available to a student?
We only offer partial scholarships, up to 75% off the tuition price. Not included in the price reduction is the cost to transport the student to camp and any additional spending money.
When is the application deadline?
Applications must be submitted by February 1. To secure a spot in the camp of your choice, you would need to put down a deposit and be prepared to pay the full tuition should you not be awarded financial aid. We will make final selections by March 1.
What if it’s after March 1 and I haven’t heard anything?
Please be patient with us as we are still finalizing program placements. You will be notified by either phone or email about your status.
What if I have questions about the financial aid process?
All questions should be directed to one of our reservation specialists at [email protected].