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Posted by Rick Civelli | 02.19.2014 | WB Surf Camp News

Can't Stop Passion

It truly is amazing to see the different “variations” of surfers that we have in our world. Some you are able to tell right off the bat the love that they have for the divine sport; they exude it from their pores and have a constant layer of salt covering their skin.  Others though might not be such an open book. But when it all comes down to it, WB Surf Camp believes it can be said that we all share a passion for surfing.

We talk a lot about how surfing can be incorporated into so many aspects of life: attitude, style, and persona; it overwhelms your mind’s thoughts and body’s feelings. It is obvious that surfing takes a huge grasp on a people.

Julia MancusoRecently, we read about down hill skier and recent American Olympic Medalist  winner Julia Mancuso finds it hard to put down the surf board and shares that “surfer passion”. With warm conditions visiting Sochi last week, Julia managed to paddle out! A dedicated surfer is known to go great lengths to get out in the water- Julia is a prime example. After taking home the bronze in women’s down-hill skiing, Mancuso found a local board shaper, borrowed a wetsuit, and braved the Black Sea. 

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Passion has a strong relationship with surfing and once obtained, passion will pour out during big moments in life. You can see it in the eyes of a very beginner who is popping up on their first wave to professionals charging monsters at Pipeline to Olympic athletes flying down mountains; passion is always evident in these instances.

Needless to say, whether a surfer or not, have a passion in what you do and, like Julia did, go for the gold!
