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Posted by Rick Civelli | 04.20.2010 | WB Surf Camp News

WB Surf Camp Gives Back – Holiday Helpers

As the summer creeps closer and the air warms up more each day, the season of Christmas slinks steadily into the past, while equally maintaining its distance in the future. Sometimes, with the change in seasons, the desire to give, share, and lend a helping hand to those in need during the holidays slips through a time warp as well. In an effort to maintain a grip on the heart behind those feelings, WB Surf Camp is moving forward this summer with several initiatives to make a difference and help change lives “one wave at a time”. The first of these actually began last Christmas with the Holiday Helpers program through the Cape Fear Community College Foundation.

Reminiscing back to this past winter, the staff at WB Surf Camp recalled the great time they had raising money for and getting to meet the family they supported. It is such a seemingly simple idea, yet enacting the idea is something completely different. Each year the Holiday Helpers program allows individuals and organizations in our community who wish to provide holiday gifts to those in need the ability to do so.  This program specifically provides for current CFCC students who demonstrate financial needs so that they are able to have a killer Christmas with presents under the tree; something many families, including my own, take for granted. As WB Surf Camp began raising money and collecting donations from its staff of instructors they also began planning their end of the year Christmas party. It only made sense to combine the two and invite the family they were sponsoring.

Making a donation to a nameless or faceless entity doesn’t come close to meeting and spending time with those you are giving to. Getting to meet the family was awesome, as everyone brought a covered dish, the family was given some cold weather Surf Camp gear, and a few gifts were slipped to the mom for sneaking under the tree on Christmas morning for her daughter. The family had a great time, as did the entire Surf Camp team, and everyone is looking forward to next year.

If you’re interested in participating in the Holiday Helpers program, just Click Here…

or contact Kay Warren at the CFCC Foundation…[email protected] 910.362.7331
