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Posted by Rick Civelli | 04.13.2010 | WB Surf Camp News

Azalea Festival

One of the best times  of the year to be in Wilmington is the spring. Between the golden layer of pollen coating everything and the blooming of the dogwoods and azaleas, it makes for the first real feeling of warm weather…along with the warm weather. The city of Wilmington hosts the annual Azalea Festival which consumes most of downtown with a week long circus, a parade, vendors selling fried everything, merchants offering handmade/homemade crafts and goodies, multiple stages with music from around the world, and a kid’s section full of blow up bouncy castles.

Situated in the back corner of said kid’s section was yours truly. WB Surf Camp spent all weekend meeting and talking to kids and parents alike about all of our safe, exciting, and educational summer camps. Steve and I had the grommets throwing beanbags with cans and paper printed on them into our “recycling bin” for stickers and temporary tattoos, and painting one of our old soft tops with a killer sunset wave mural. All weekend different kids came up and added their own touch to it with a combination of acrylic paints ad paint markers. I admit I touched it up a bit, but it came out pretty good. We just ended up having a great time seeing kids from last year’s camps and getting the new recruits pumped on this years summer camps.

It was a beautiful weekend and with the warmth things have really started heating up back in the office. Registrations and instructor applications have been pouring in and covering our desks like a thick layer of spring pollen. Summer is almost here!!!
