Posted by Rick Civelli | 12.16.2009 | WB Surf Camp News
Surf Camp Helping Those in Need
The Good Shepherd Center can be called many things; a safe haven; a place to go for a hot meal; a shelter; a resting place. It is all of these things, and more, I found out just two weeks ago when I went there for a volunteer orientation. I was very eager to learn more about this organization I had heard about over the years. Upon entering, I looked around and knew that this place, this refuge, was where I wanted to put some of my time, resources, and energy. I was given a tour and shown where clients eat, sleep, and spend their time during the day. My heart strings were pulled as I listened to Scott, the Director of Resource Development, tell me what their needs were: food, toiletries, diapers, flip flops…..the list goes on and on. As I told Scott about what we do here at Surf Camp, a light bulb went off about how we could provide a Summer Camp experience for some of the children who live at the shelter. How cool it would be to invite these children to attend our Kids Summer Camp or Kids Surf Camp this summer! Rick said consider it done.
Volunteers are the backbone behind everything Good Shepherd does, and with serving three meals every day, many volunteers are needed. I talked to Rick, and we decided that we would go down to the shelter on Saturday, December 12th and serve lunch. We arrived at 10:30 so that we could prepare the lunches, and we found that a church group had graciously packed bagged lunches earlier that week to be handed out to clients. We unpacked each lunch and organized everything so we could serve it to the 40-50 people who would be eating lunch that day. Rick had the great idea to toast the sandwiches and cookies so they would be warm, which was perfect because it was a chilly day outside. Many of the clients thanked us, some more than once, for being there and providing them with such a satisfying lunch. Rick and I were humbled by their gratitude, and have decided to make volunteering at Good Shepherd a regular part of Surf Camp’s community service. Look for future blogs about Surf Camp’s experiences with this incredible organization.