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Posted by Rick Civelli | 01.30.2009 | Adult Surf Camps

Costa Rica Day 3 – Prepping for the Week


It was another early morning. I heard a knock on my door at 5:30 am, it was my friends from Holland. I lathered up with sunscreen, grabbed my board and headed to the beach (yes, I slept with my trunks on). It was another perfect day, light offshore winds, a rising tide and chest to occasionally head high surf.



I was riding a twinzer Firewire fish, and I was just getting used to how it performed. I surfed for another 3+ hours until the tide started to drop. Before paddling out I took 2 Advil because my ribs were starting to feel it from the long hours in the water. It was another great session and I got more waves than I could count!





After breakfast and another “business” meeting, I headed into Tamarindo. Upon arrival at our Costa Rica Surf Camp accommodations I saw Jimmy, our team instructor, who had just arrived from NC. A short while later, Jason, one of our guests, also came in. We grabbed boards and surfed past sunset. The waves were super glassy and the wind was light offshore.  The crowd was thin so we got all the waves we wanted.  It was a longboard session so we gave our shortboards a rest. At this point we were all pretty exhausted so we ate some killer sushi, and hit the sack. Tomorrow is an exciting day with the rest of our clients arriving.




– Rick
