Posted by Rick Civelli | 07.31.2008 | WB Surf Camp News
New York Times chooses Surf Camp for Rashguard Product Testing
Surf Camp was honored to be contacted by the New York Times in July to do a product testing of the top rashguards that are on the market. So we turned to none other than one of our very own Surf Campers. We used a very technical process in picking out the lucky student (we picked a name out of a hat J). What a great opportunity to further educate our valued customers!
Throughout the span of the summer I have several people ask the same question; “What is a rashguard and why do I need to wear one?” Well, there are a few different reasons that these tight fitting tops, composed of a lycra, spandex, or polyester blend, are used.
First and foremost is to protect your skin from the board. Skin is so delicate, and when factors such as sand, salt water, and the sun are combined with paddling and popping up on the board, there is bound to be consequences. To avoid a painful rash, we wear rashguards. As seen in the article from the New York Times, there are many different choices when it comes to rashguards. You want your rashguard to be light, breathable, and have excellent wickability, which means that it moves the water away from your skin and makes you dry much faster. And trust me… from personal experience you do not want to deal with any sort of rash from the board!
Another reason that it is so important to wear a rashguard is for sun protection. One thing that we cannot stress enough is the importance of taking care of your skin against the dangerous UVA and UVB rays that the sun emits. Now, this in no way means that you can forget about applying at least an SPF 30 when out in the water. It does mean that with the combination of the two you’ll have no missed spots (like you get with sunscreen) and nothing to worry about! I don’t know about you, but one less thing in my life to stress about is greatly welcomed!
The last reason that we love our rashguards… how else will you look so official? You walk out on the beach with your board and rashguard, and people know that you mean business. So now that you’re thinking about these wonderful creations, surf on over to the New York Times and check out all the different styles that are out there! And what better way to remember your Surf Camp experience than by having your very own Surf Camp Rashguard to wear each time you charge those waves?! Mahalo!!