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Posted by Rick Civelli | 11.15.2011 | Surfer of the Week

WB Surf Camp Surfer of the Week for 11/14/11- Suzie Fox

Phenominal!!! Most likely, this will be the first and last word you’ll hear upon meeting Suzie Fox. She attended our 2011 Adult Costa Rica Adventure last January and is already signed up to go back with us this January. After getting a taste of the surfing bug, she got hooked! Suzie is so stoked with surfing that she’s made the trek from the midwest to Wrightsville Beach at least twice since; Once to bring her family to WB Surf Camp Summer Lessons and again to compete in the PPD Beach to Battleship Iron Triathlon. She is a one of the most positive and lovely people we’ve had the pleasure of surfing with, and we look forward to every encounter with her. We can’t wait to meet back up on the warm sands of Costa Rica to share in the spirit of Aloha and Pura Vida in a couple months, but for now keep reading about this phenomenal woman and her surfing experiences…

1. What drew you to WB Surf Camp? My family and I had vacationed on the North Carolina coast for decades. I had seen advertisements and information about WB Surf Camp in the local media. It looked like a fun, safe, and professional organization. After reviewing the website I realized “yeah, these are the people to go with.”

2. What inspired you to start surfing? I had been interested in surfing for a long time. I grew up swimming with a United States Swimming program in Durham, NC. At times we worked out with the Duke University team and there were a lot of team members who would head down to the coast on weekends. I can remember long kick sets when the older kids would talk about their weekend adventures on their surfboards. The way they spoke about their rides was inspiring.

3. Which instructor had the biggest impact on you? I think Jason Andre and Steven Schroeder had the biggest impact because they were the instructors I worked with the most. Their patience and expertise was great and their clear love for surfing and for teaching wanted you to do well and keep trying.

4. Who is your favorite surfer and why? Tom Curren and Tom Carroll hold a special place in my heart as they were the surfers I read most about and followed when I was in college. There was a time when I subscribed to Surfer magazine during college to remind myself of home and provide a release from the challenges of studying.

5. When did you start surfing and where? The first time I got on a surfboard was in the dive tank of the Clayton Shaw Park pool in St. Louis, MO. A good friend of mine was the pool manager and grew up in New Jersey. She had a surfboard and called me after the pool was closed to say “Look, you’ve always wanted to do this so get over here.” We ended up pushing each other on the surfboard and riding the pancake flat waves of the dive tank. The first time I truly got on a surfboard was in Barbados on the East Coast of the island. A good friend of mine and I took a day from a cruise to learn to surf. We started with the instructors pushing us on surfboards and at the end of the day we were getting up on waves ourselves. In retrospect, it is a wonder neither of us got terribly hurt as the instructors were not nearly as safety-oriented nor dedicated to professionalism as the WB Surf Camp instructors!

6. What are some of your interest outside of surfing? I have continued my love for swimming and have participated in several triathlons, half marathons and a full marathon. I enjoy snow skiing, fly fishing, scuba diving and hiking. With three children I find physical activity a necessity in keeping up with them. Additionally, I enjoy writing and reading.

7. What is your favorite surf break? Playa Avellanas in Tamarindo, Costa Rica.

8. Describe your most memorable session? I think the first time I surfed at Playa Avellanas was my most memorable. I was joined by surfers of a much-higher ability and was a little nervous as to whether or not I would be able to keep up. Walking out on the beach I saw amazing surf, right out of a movie. The conditions were amazing – clear water, clean breaks, not very crowded. Realizing that I had the confidence and skills to surf well on that break was a tremendous shot in the arm. Each progressive session was a chance to improve on my skills and learn even more.

9. What is your favorite movie? Cinema Paradiso, or Fight Club, or Jaws. Yeah, sorry, this is the hardest question to answer.

10. What types of music do you listen to? I go for the “buffet” approach to music – rock, alternative, punk, soul, classical, international, and jazz.

11. What is your favorite food? Fresh seafood (see Playa Avellanas)

12. What is the best thing you liked about WB Surf Camp? Can we go back to the movie one, because this is hard as well? O.k. I think the best thing I liked about WB Surf Camp was the way it made me feel about myself and what I could do. I’ve faced several challenges since WB Surf Camp and psychological and literal use of a “head cage” has served me well. We all face challenges and have to get through dark places sometimes and it’s nice to have a full toolbox of self-esteem to move you forward.

13. Which WB Surf Camp destination do you plan on travelling to next year? Tamarindo, Costa Rica (January 21-27) and thank you for moving the dates up as it’s even sooner!

14. The three things you value most are: Family, Health, Integrity
